Grades K-1
For quarter 2, students have been working on the following thus far!
Personal Space
General Space
Locomotor movements
- Side slide
- Skip
- Gallop
- Jog
- Run
- Speed walk
Grades K-1
For quarter 2, students have been working on the following thus far!
Personal Space
General Space
Locomotor movements
Grades 3-5
For quarter 2 students in Grades 3-5 have been working hard in our soccer unit. We have also spent 2 days focusing on fitness by way of fitness stations!
The following skills and concepts have been worked thus far:
Shoelace kick
Push Pass
Foot Dribble
Soccer positions
Soccer rules (basic)
Importance of maintaining and building fitness levels
How does exercise make you feel?
Building muscle using body weight
Heart strength (importance and how the heart works)
Kindness to all
In the coming weeks we will focus on Football and Basketball (and all encompassing skills and concepts)!
Up until this point in the school year, students in grades BK-2nd have been working on many many different skills and concepts. Below is just a bit of what has been covered and what can be continued to be practiced at home!!!
Locomotor movements (side slide, gallop, skip, speed walk, jog and run)
Shoe lace kick/ trap a ball
Music and movement (we learned about moving to build muscle strength)
Leap, Jump, Land and Balance
Moving in new ways (various gymnastic card challenges)
We have learned the importance of
Up until this point in the school year, students in grades BK-2nd have been working on many many different skills and concepts. Below is just a bit of what has been covered and what can be continued to be practiced at home!!!
Personal Space
Locomotor movements (side slide, gallop, skip, speed walk, jog and run)
Shoe lace kick/ trap a ball
Music and movement (we learned about moving to build muscle strength)
Leap, Jump, Land and Balance
Moving in new ways (various gymnastic card challenges)
We have learned the importance of