Tuesday, November 20, 2018

December 2018

Grades 3-5

For the month of December, students in grades 3-5 will be starting their basketball unit. During this unit student will focus on: hand dribble, chest/ bounce pass, shooting form, lead up games, half court games and offense and defense.

Grades Bk-2

For the month of December, students in grades Bk-2 will be working on personal space, manipulatives, balance, leaping, jumping and stations.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

November 2018

Grades 3-5
For the month of November student in grades 3-5 will be in their football unit. During this time students will learn proper throwing and catching form with a football. Students will also work on running while catching, punting and the basic rules to football (4 attempts to score touchdown, one hand touch, snapping, basic positions, interceptions etc..) 

Grades BK-2
For the month of November students in grades bk-2 will be working on personal space, relationships (over under, alongside etc..) and once again using manipulatives (throwing, catching, kicking etc..) 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October 2018

For the month of October student in grades 3-5 will be finishing up their soccer unit. During this unit students learned to foot dribble, instep kick, push pass, steal and protect, goal tend and the rules and position to soccer! Mid October, student in grades 3-5 will begin their football unit!

For the month of October students in grades bk-2 will work on rolling, locomotor movements and teamwork!

Things to work on with your student:

Shoe lace kicks
  • Leap
  • Plant non kicking foot next to ball
  • Strike with shoelace
Foot dribble
  • eyes up
  • inside, outside and shoelace of shoe taps
  • keep arms length away
Personal Space:
  • Area arms length away from you 
  • the area no one should go in
  • Toes forward
  • one foot infront of other
  • back foot chases front foot but never catches it

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September Physical Education

Hello Northwest families!!!

I will be updating my blog in the next few days! Thanks!!!