Friday, February 26, 2021

February 2021 Grades Bk-2

During the month of February students are working on the following:

Personal Space 

Locomotor movements 

Balancing, leaping, jumping and landing

Under/ overhand throw

2 hand catch

Muscle building through using ones own body weight


February 2021 Grades 3-5

 During the month of February students in grades 3-5 have been working on 

How heart rate, breathing and sweating all play a role in movement. 

Volleyball rules

Volleyball skills (bump, set, serve) 

Volleyball positions.

Throwing and catching (a frisbee)

Ultimate frisbee rules 

Person to person defence

Sportsmanship, kindness, compassion, safety and respect 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

January Grades 3-5

At this point in the quarter, students in grades 3-5 are/ will be working on the following skills:

Football: throw, catch punt and basic rules to football
Volleyball: bump, set, serve and basic rules to the game

Kindness, respect, empathy, safety and responsibility. 

January 2021 BK-2

For the third quarter, students in grades BK-2 will be working on 

the following skills:

Locomotor movements (skip, gallop, sideslide, run, jog and speedwalk)

Underhand throw (overhand for 2nd)

2 Hand Catch

Shoelace kick

Foot trap

hand dribble (2nd)

Work with a team

Understand the 5 components of fitness (younger grades will understand 2 of 5)

Work on flexibility